The PMCB NGO Forum is an engagement platform for Non-Governmental (NGO) and Community Based (CBO) organisations in Pietermaritzburg and the Midlands.
The forum is managed by a committee of passionate NGO and CBO leaders, who work tirelessly towards a society in which all can prosper, in which we enjoy a cleaner environment and where people and animals can thrive without fear.

The forum is managed by a committee of passionate NGO and CBO leaders, who work tirelessly towards a society in which all can prosper, in which we enjoy a cleaner environment and where people and animals can thrive without fear.
The NGO Forum meets regularly to gain new knowledge, share best practice and align their efforts.
Join us in 2025: 21 Feb, 25 April, 20 June, 15 Aug, 17 Oct

If you are from the NGO Sector
Please be encouraged to join the forum.
You can find out more by contacting

If you’re a Corporate
looking to connect with a Civil Society Organisation, you’re in the right place!
Whether you’d like to align yourself with a particular cause, donate for tax purposes or just earn BBBEE points, this page will help you connect to credible local civil society organisations, with whom your business can be proud to be associated.
The organisations listed here are members of the PMCB and meet the basic criteria for credibility and accountability as one/more of the following:
- Non-Profit Organisation (NPO)
- Public Benefit Organisation (PBO)
- Sector Education & Training Authority (SETA)
- Section 18 A Approved Organisation
Animal Anti-Cruelty League

The Animal Anti-Cruelty League (AACL) has been protecting and caring for animals since 1956. The League has a number of branches across the country and it is South Africa’s second largest independent registered animal welfare organisation. The Durban and Pietermaritzburg Branch is located in Hammarsdale which is a great location to serve the area it is responsible for.
Animal Anti-Cruelty League’s main focus is to:
• Assist lower income groups with animal sterilisation and rabies vaccines
• Provide shelter for abandoned and rescued animals
• Undertake an efficient adoption program for dogs, puppies, cats and kittens
• Carry out animal education programs to learners at schools
• Undertake investigations and prosecute animal cruelty cases
• Visit underprivileged areas with mobile dipping trailers for parasite control
• Help manage the control of feral cat colonies
In order to reduce their dependence on donations from the public, the organisation also raises some of their own funds by operating dog and cat boarding facilities of the highest quality as well as a tea garden and a charity shop. They also organise regular events such as dog walks, children’s parties, music days and markets.
Phone: +27 (0) 31 736 9093
Email: inspectorate@
Website: https://www.aacl.co.za/
Address: Artesia Farm, 53 Artesia Ave (D657), Leckhampton Valley, Hammarsdale
Registration: PBO: 930006852, NPO: 000-563
Category: Animal Welfare
A Rocha South Africa

A Rocha South Africa is a biodiversity conservation non-profit organisation and a member of the global ‘A Rocha’ family of organisations working in 22 countries. Locally constituted in Pietermaritzburg in 2006, we now have a growing national presence.
As an environmental conservation organisation we run various habitat rehabilitation programmes, including more than a decade’s restorative work within Pietermaritzburg’s own Ferncliffe Nature Reserve.
As a sustainable development organisation we conduct community development and environmentally positive livelihood development projects.
As a faith based organisation we are uniquely equipped to speak to the hearts of our countries largest faith demographic to motivate for the care of our natural environment.
As a youth empowerment organisation we engage minds through environmental education.
Email: info@arocha.org.za
Address: African Enterprise Complex, 1 Nonsuch Rd, Townbush Valley, PMB
Website: https://arocha.org.za/
Registration: NPO, PBO, 18A
Category: Environment & Community Development
Association for the Physically Challenged

The Association for the Physically Challenged is a non-profit welfare organization that aims to meet the needs of physically challenged persons through various services to individuals, groups and communities by means of education, self-help and job initiatives. 98% of end-beneficiaries of our services are black South African citizens (as defined in the B-BBEE Codes of good Practice). APC has 7 branches across KwaZulu-Natal and the Pietermaritzburg and Midlands branch not only offers sheltered employment but also manages a residential facility located in Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg.
Phone: +27 (0) 33 342 2768
Email: manager@apcpmb.co.za
Website: http://www.
Address: 11 New England Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg.
Registration: NPO
Category: Social Services
Built Environment Support Group

BUILT ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT GROUP NPC (BESG), in its participatory orientation and practice, is in solidarity with the poor and marginalized, it also accompanies community formation struggles in advocating for the attainment of people’s rights, development, gender justice and human dignity. BESG is a value driven organisation whose praxis is transparent, ethical, accountable, and acts with integrity in its community work, governance and resource management.
Our Mission: BESG supports marginalized community groups in accessing and developing land, basic services, shelter, and livelihood security through the provision of capacity building, environmental justice, social and technical support, and promoting citizen engagement with government.
Opportunities to partner with BESG on CSI Programmes:
The Disaster and Distress Fund: Assist destitute and vulnerable households whose homes have been severely flood and storm damaged, or are structurally unsafe, through donations of material and funds for labour. This work incorporates creating spaces for mutual reflection and emotional support aimed at addressing trauma and other psychological impact from disaster situations.
Local Economic Initiatives: Support community food gardens, improve access to water and gain permanent advertising by sponsoring water storage tanks. You can also support other local economic initiatives undertaken by women-headed households and youth for example: brickmaking, beadwork, plumbing, etc.
Food, Environment, Energy, Water Security (FEEWs) Programme: This is a low-cost, high impact knowledge and skills transfer programme, aimed at supporting women headed and indigent households, making a direct and ongoing effects on livelihood security, and to improve resilience to life shocks and stresses that have been exacerbated by various unanticipated conditions, coupled with limited access to essential and basic services.
Live Smart: Adapted from our award-winning livelihood security and climate change work, this project addresses our FEEWs programme together with natural resource management, household budgeting and climate change awareness and adaptation. It can readily be adapted as an Employee Wellness Programme.
Youth at Risk: This program seeks to respond to the national crisis of unemployment, poverty, drug addiction and the moral deficiency that has driven young people to make life choices that put their livelihoods, health and futures at risk. The Youth at risk project will work closely with other stakeholders, to provide the much-needed support system for the many youths who wish to change their lives and develop strategies to transform their lives and those of their families.
Effective Partnerships: Our work is in close proximity to communities, faith and traditional leaders, community leaders, government, private and institutional donors to bring about lasting change.
Phone: +27 (0) 33 394 4980
Email: info@besg.co.za
Website: https://www.besg.co.za/
Address: 331 Bulwer Street, Pietermaritzburg.
Registration: NPO, PBO, 18 A
Category: Livelihood Security, Human Settlements, Environment

Dlalanathi was founded on World Aids Day in 2000 in response to the devastating loss of life in KZN due to AIDS. dlalanathi uses play and parenting interventions at family level to build responsive supportive relationships between adults and children, in vulnerable communities, with a particular focus on emotional and mental health. What began as a response to bereaved children and families has expanded over time to building community-based capacity to strengthen and sustain emotional care to children through Play, Parenting and Child Protection. Working at individual, family and community level, dlalanathi provides direct services, trains and mentors community members and develops new programs in response to needs identified in community.
In the last 6 years dlalanathi has developed, piloted and field tested programs relevant to strengthening children’s emotional development in the early years, 1st 1000 days (Ibhayi Lengane ‘the baby’s blanket’), and strengthening early stimulation and play at home for children under 6 (Play Mat Program). Specifically in relation to supporting responsive care in the 1st 1000 days, the Ibahyi Lengane add-on program is designed to be scaled by the Department of Health. This new project intends to combine the best of our capacity building strengths targeting 3 groups of duty bearers 1) Families/ parents/ caregivers; 2) Stakeholder organisations/structures within the community and 3) the Department of Health. Our intention to strengthen a community based response to protecting and promoting the child’s right to play from birth.
Our “youth in action” project aims to contribute to the reduction in the prevalence of HIV infection and unplanned pregnancy in 4 communities in KwaZulu-Natal Province, among vulnerable youth. This project aims to empower youth and provide SRH&R knowledge. The process builds self-efficacy, personal agency, and confidence of individual youth to make their own informed decisions. Peer group formation and participation provides a platform for co-operation, support, and joint action to address barriers to access SRH services. Work with families will provide knowledge, skill, and motivation for adult family members to support their youth protect their SRH health. By sensitising key community stake-holders, teachers, nurses and community leadership and working with key institutions such as clinics and schools we hope to improve access for youth to SRH services. By increasing youth participation within key structures in the community we aim to increase access to services for vulnerable youth in this area. Together these contribute to creating an enabling environment for youth to exercise their Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.
Our Research, Development and Training Unit exists to support the design and testing of new programmes and works to expand to other parts of the country through training and mentoring other organisations in practice, giving us as an organization a unique contribution to the wider field of practice in the field.
Phone: +27 (0) 33 345 3729
Address: 191 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg
Email: admin@dlalanathi.org.za
Website: www.dlalanathi.org.za
Registration: NPO 021-096
Category: Psychosocial Support/Mental Health, Youth Development and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Play, Parenting and Child Protection
Ferncliffe Forest Wilding

Ferncliffe Forest Wilding was established in 2021 to restore and rewild Ferncliffe Nature Reserve, Pietermaritzburg.
As visitors to Ferncliffe will know, this important water catchment area and green lung is infested with invasive plants that threaten its biodiversity. Ferncliffe forest wilding clears invasive species and replaces them with indigenous trees that are suited to this mistbelt forest. We also provide paid work for people who might otherwise be unemployed.
Ferncliffe forest wilding is committed to improving biodiversity and mitigating the effects of climate change by planting trees. Our NPC currently has a presence on two global restoration platforms: Restor (Switzerland) and Plant-for-the-Planet (Germany). We are also an Actor for the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (www.decadeonrestoration.org). Donations can be made through the support us section of our website, https://ferncliffe.org/
Phone: +27 (0) 73 372 4429
Email: info@ferncliffe.org, janine@ferncliffe.org
Website: https://ferncliffe.org/
Address: 90 Warwick Rd, Town Bush Valley, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
Registration: NPO, PBO, Section 18A
Category: Environment
iThemba Projects

iThemba Projects is a community development organisation partnering with the community of Sweetwaters, KZN. iThemba believes that handouts can’t fix poverty. Instead, we empower people to bring about the change their community dreams of, because if change is sustainable, we all win. We focus on Improving the Education system through giving children access to quality ECD, Sustainable nutrition by helping develop food gardens in schools and homes to end stunting and providing kids and teens a loving adult role model through Youth Mentoring . We’re also building a community centre.
Phone: +27 (0) 31 020 0200
Email: chrissie@ithembaprojects.org.za
Website: www.ithembaprojects.com
Registration: PBO, 18 A
Keep PMB Clean Action Group

The KPCA Group (Keep PMB Clean Action Group) is an NPC/NPO born out of Keep PMB Clean Association. Lara Edmonds is KPCA’s Executive Director and Campaign Manager and is tasked with calling the PMB community to rise and get our city clean, neat, beautiful, and green. KPCA has a mandate to business, community, and education. We work on various levels to campaign, educate, facilitate, and support collaboration between stakeholders to achieve our goal for a cleaner, greener city. We have tax exemption status and can provide section 18A certificates to donors.
Exectuive Director/Campaign Manager: Lara Edmonds
Phone: +27 (0) 84 587 0880
Email: info@kpca.co.za
Website: www.kpca.co.za
Registration: NPC, NPO
Category: Environment, Education, Active citizenship
Midlands Community College

Midlands Community College is a vibrant non-profit educational centre situated in Nottingham Road in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. The College was established in 1981 in response to the need to provide quality education to all South Africans. We help very young children, youth and adults to realise their full potential through two Centres of Excellence: Early Childhood Development and Maths, Science and Technology. Both centres are integral to supporting the goals of the National Development Plan (2030) through enriching early learning programmes and supporting young people becoming active, successful learners of maths and science.
Phone: +27 (0) 33 266 6588/9
Email: projects@midlandscommunitycollege.co.za
Website: http://midlandscommunitycollege.co.za/
Registration: NPO, PBO, Section 18A, Level 1 B-BBEE scorecard
Category: Education
Msunduzi Hospice

Msunduzi Hospice Association seeks to provide and promote holistic quality care for all people living with a life threatening illness within the Msunduzi Health District. Msunduzi Hospice aims to create a Centre of Excellence which provides and promotes quality of life, dignity in death, and bereavement support for patients and families faced with a life threatening illness through: direct patient care, education, effective management systems, advocacy, training and empowerment of networking partners.
Contact: Shiloh Rajah
Phone: + 27 (0) 33 260 2800
Email: hospice@hospicekzn.co.za
Website: https://www.hospicekzn.co.za/en
Registration: NPO, PBO, 18A
Category: Education, Health, Social Services
One Life Foundation

One Life Foundation is a registered NPO based in Pietermaritzburg, established in 2016. Our mission is to transform lives through initiatives that go beyond immediate relief, aiming for sustainable, long-term benefits for each person we serve. Acting as beacons of hope, our current projects and programs are transformative models that we expand to new locations and communities across South Africa, ensuring that the positive ripple effect of our efforts continues to impact lives far and wide. Our multifaceted approach is built on core pillars—Economic Development, Community Development, Project Sustainability, and Community Outreach—guiding our initiatives to be intentional, sustainable, and transformative. We are registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) and issue Section 18(a) certificates to all donors, providing tax exemptions. Additionally, our financials are audited, and we hold a Level 1 BEE status.
Phone: +27 (0) 33 321 2050
Address: Savannah Estate, 212 Murray Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg
Email: foundation@onelifechurch.org.za or jay@onelifechurch.org.za
Website: www.onelifefoundation.org.za
Registration: NPO, PBO, Section 18(a)
Category: Community Outreach, Economic Development

Love and respect. Care and support. Community Spirit. These are at the heart of what we do and how we do it. We offer older adults a space to grow and be nurtured. A place to thrive. Our communities are welcoming, safe and vibrant. Full of life. Here individuals feel a sense of belonging. Every older adult we assist is part of the family whether in the community or in one of the residences.
Whether it’s living within the broader community or moving into one of our residences, becoming a member of the Mowana family means older adults can expect us to start by understanding their needs whilst looking to balance the lifestyle they want, their health and finances. And, as we understand needs may change our continuum of services is designed to take that into account. Mowana has you covered.
Mowana is the merged organisation representing HADCA and PADCA. As a deeply rooted, diverse and sustaining organisation, we are a dynamic non-profit company, a leader in person-directed support in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, and a resource of choice for older adults and their families.
Our residences in Howick:
● Elizabeth Gardens
● Greendale House
● Hayfields Gardens
● Midmar Gardens
Our residences in Pietermaritzburg:
● Kurume Complex
● Sunnyside Park Home
● Villa Assumpta
● Woodgrove Retirement Village
Our continuum of services includes:
● Independent living
● Residential living
● Assisted living
● Frail care
● Memory care
Phone: +27 (0) 33 345 4711
Email: Joselyn Lambert – reception@mowana.org
Website: www.Mowana.org
Registration: NPC, NPO, PBO
Category: Development of Community Based Organisations, Health, Social Services
Pietermaritzburg and District Community Chest

The Pietermaritzburg & District Community Chest is an NPO that inspires and facilitates community giving and action for community betterment. Our vision is one of “enhanced communities – restored hope”. We support and work through other NPOs (our Community Impact Partners). We assist our partners with funds and donations-in-kind so that they can better serve our communities. The impact of the Community Chest supports reaches across the Umgungundlovu District and beyond.
Phone: +27 (0) 33 394 1031
Email: director@communitychest.org.za
Website: www.communitychest.org.za
Registration: NPO, PBO, 18A
Category: Development of Community Based Organisations, Economic Development, Education, Health, Social Services
Pietermaritzburg Children’s Home

Pietermaritzburg Children’s Home is the oldest children’s home in the city, founded by Miss Mary Elizabeth Cook in 1886 for orphans post war. In 1991 we became P.C.H, the proud amalgamation of the Hilltops home, Mary Cook and Mildred Ward; based at 45 Teak Road, Woodlands. We are a Non- Profit Organization (NPO), registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organization (PBO) that issues section 18(A) receipts for Donors to gain tax benefits, and have a Level One Contributor status that allows your company to benefit from BEE points for your contributions. We are currently celebrating 138 years of service to children and attend to all the needs of Any child in need of Alternate Care, placed with us legally via the Children’s Court!
Phone: +27 (0) 33 387 4004
Email: director@pch.org.za, pr@pch.org.za
Website: www.pch.org.za
Registration: NPO,NPC,PBO,SARS18A
Category: Social Services
Pietermaritzburg Mental Health

Pietermaritzburg Mental Health is a non-government organisation in existence since 1945 which renders services to persons with mental disabilities. These include Social Work services, where assessments, placements, counselling and home visits are provided to individuals, families and communities. The Residential Programme provides 24 hour affordable accommodation and medical care in a safe homely environment, and the Employment Programme offers potential work opportunities through various work skills trainings which prepares individuals for possible employment.
Phone: +27 (0) 33 392 7230/40
Email: pmbmhs@xsinet.co.za
Website: www.pmbmhs.org.za
Facebook: Pietermaritzburg Mental Health Society
Address: 133 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg
Registration: NPO – 002 272
Category: Health, Social Services
Project Gateway

Project Gateway is a church-based NGO whose aim is to equip and empower local people.
Its mission is to
Change people’s lives by
Helping them physically, emotionally and spiritually. We aim to
Uplift people and their communities through job, business and life skills,
Reaching all people without prejudice, showing the
Compassion and care of Jesus Christ, and
Honouring our Creator
Project Gateway operates in three main areas: Empowerment – providing training in fashion and sewing, computer literacy, and business skills; Care – providing support for 15 local crèches, supporting and mentoring 9 community vegetable gardens, feeding vulnerable families throughout the city, and Education – Gateway Christian School provides quality education at affordable fees for many less privileged local children.
Tel: +27 (0) 33 880 0521
Email: enquiries@projectgateway.co.za
Website: www.projectgateway.co.za
Address: The Old Prison, 4 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg.
Registration: NPO, PBO, 18A
Category: Economic Development
Protec Pietermaritzburg Academy

Founded in 1990, PROTEC Pmb Academy functions via Saturday and Vacation School classes from our premises at 23 Roberts Rd, Clarendon. We provide quality enrichment education in Mathematics, Physical & Life Sciences, English and World of Work (Career Guidance & Life Skills) to children in Grades 9 – 12 from disadvantaged communities, throughout Greater Pietermaritzburg and the KZN Midlands.
Our Mission is to provide access to Technological Careers (those demanding excellence in Maths/Science) in South Africa’s best University Faculties. We have more than 500 Graduates as post-students, in the fields of Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Aeronautical etc), Medicine, Forestry, IT, Accounting etc. Please study our website for further info – https://www.protecpmb.co.za/
Phone: +27 (0) 33 345 4606
Website: https://www.protecpmb.co.za/
Registration: NPC, PBO
Category: Education

Singakwenza, meaning “We can do it!”, is a non-profit organisation which focuses on Early Childhood Education. With an emphasis on long-term sustainability, we provide grassroots training for practitioners, parents, and caregivers to enable them to provide daily fun, educational activities for their young children. These activities develop, through play, the foundation skills for learning supported by educational resources that are handmade solely from recycling. Once the adults have been trained on how to provide daily stimulation for their young children, they are able to make all their own resources using household packaging that usually ends up in landfill, rivers, and the ocean.
Click here to watch our program in action – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOnvE_py2AQ
Singakwenza is a fully registered Non-Profit Company, so we are able to issue Section 18A tax certificates, and a Public Benefit Organisation with >75% Black Beneficiaries, for companies needing SED points for their B-BBEE scorecards. We are also an Empowering Supplier with a Level 1 B-BBEE rating.
Contact – Hilton: +27 (0) 33 343 1650
Contact – Johannesburg: 010 065 1953
Email: info@singakwenza.co.za
Website: https://www.singakwenza.co.za/
Registration: NPO, PBO, 18A, NPC
Category: Education
Siyabonga – Helping Hands for Africa (SHH)

Siyabonga – Helping Hands for Africa (SHH) has been operating since 2003 and is a registered NPO (082 591 NPO) and PBO (930034217). With educational centres in Esigodini (Edendale) and Imbali townships in Pietermaritzburg, Siyabonga supports over 600 vulnerable school-going children. In association with schools in the immediate area, we identify the children in need. Every child is matched with individual sponsors and enjoys individual attention. Funding goes towards school fees and uniforms, but most importantly the children come to our centre after school where they enjoy a nutritious, hot lunch after which they participate in the educational programme focussing on English and Maths. Our staff compliment consists of enthusiastic teaching staff and warm caregivers and social workers.
We support approx. 80 pre-schoolers – 20 in Imbali and 60 in Esigodini – in a dedicated ECD programme, including breakfast and a tea time snack. This is aimed at families who cannot afford a crèche or preschool fees.
Our “Gap Year” Programme is for school-leavers who have not found employment or a place to study. We teach them basic skills to encourage entrepreneurship.
We help our High School Learners applying to Tertiary Institutions and NSFAS. We mentor and support them throughout their studies with regard to personal financial needs and care.
We offer adult computer literacy classes at both centres.
Our Sewing Project – which includes the production of reusable sanitary pads for our girls – provides unemployed Women and Youths with a regular source of income.
Together with other NGOs, we offer environmental education and with Dept of Agriculture, we offer an Annual Rabies Vaccination Clinic at both Centres, where hundreds of animals are vaccinated.
Phone: +27 (0) 33 342 6348
Email: annette.pfeiffer@siyabonga.org
Website: http://www.siyabonga.net/
Address: 37 Taunton Road
Registration: NPO, PBO, 18A
Category: Education, Social Services, ECD
The Child & Family Welfare Society of Pietermaritzburg

The Child & Family Welfare Society of Pietermaritzburg’s mission is to protect and promote the interest and well-being of all children and families in our city. The Society was founded in 1994 following the amalgamation of the three local child welfare societies in the area. The Society renders statutory and non-statutory services with all children under the age 14 years living in the magisterial district of Pietermaritzburg. Our focus is on children who are: Abused, Neglected, Abandoned, and HIV +.
Phone: +27 (0) 33 342 8971
Email: admindata@pmbchildwelfare.co.za and director@pmbchildwelfare.co.za
Website: http://www.pmbchildwelfare.co.za/
Registration: NPO, 18A
Category: Education, Health, Social Services