Raj Seeparsad is among the most experienced and well-respected Human Resource Practitioners in KwaZulu Natal. He has local, continental and global HR and labour experience. He is a coach and mentor to several Human Resources professionals.
Raj was instrumental in setting up the 1st Public Sector HR Conference through the Premier of KZN’s office and has presented papers at the Public Sector HR conferences and other related conferences both nationally, continentally and internationally.
He is a registered Skills Development Facilitator and a member of the PMCB’s Management Board and EXCO. He is a past 2nd Deputy President at PMCB. Raj represents the PMCB at the Department of Employment & Labour’s Stakeholders Forum and he’s served on the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) Stakeholder’s Forum. Raj chairs the PMCB’s People Management Forum and is a member of the Staffing Portfolio Committee. He is the Past President of the Institute of People Management South Africa. Raj is a member of the Management Board of the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) and he is the President of the African Human Resources Confederation (AHRC).
Raj is the recipient of several National, Continental and Global HR and related Leadership Awards. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in HR and Labour related matters including but not limited to Management, Supervisors and Shop Stewards training, CCMA & DRC preparation and representation and general Employee/Employer Relation matters. He is currently a HR & Labour Consultant to many organizations.